Logo Ceres Reimagine

Welcome to the exciting world of Reimagine, where creativity and innovation unite with the power of science! Ceres has partnered with STEM Learning UK to host an awesome clean energy competition for secondary schools across the UK.

We’re inviting students and teachers alike to embark on a journey to  tackle the global climate challenge.

Our mission: To ignite the imagination and to inspire a future generation of changemakers who will lead us towards a net zero world.

Here’s the scoop: We’re encouraging young people to unleash their imagination, get creative and craft captivating animations that propose solutions for a greener planet, with the goal of netzero in mind. Whether you’re a science whiz, an arts enthusiast, or a bit of both, this competition is your canvas for creativity. Make your imagination to come to life on screen!

And who knows, maybe your school’s animation will be the spark that makes STEM and the arts collide in the coolest way possible!

Teachers, you’re the guiding stars of this adventure!

We invite you to ignite the curiosity and passion in your students. Through this competition, you’ll empower them to combine their unique talents, to discover the magic of science, technology, engineering, and maths; and make a real impact on the world.

The future belongs to those who dare to dream and act. So if your school is ready to take the plunge into a world of scientific discovery and creative invention then join us on the Reimagine journey – where science meets art, innovation meets imagination for a sustainable world.

2023 Reimagine Winner (H4Life)

Entry submission deadline:

29TH march 2024

Entry Submissions:

When you are ready to submit your entry, please upload your animation to the STEM Hub Portal.

Please ensure the file name contains your School and Team names, so we know it’s yours

Upcoming key dates:

  • Final awards ceremony: 25th June 2024

For more information, please email reimagine@cerespower.com

Create an animation, stop motion or video.

Stand a chance to win some amazing prizes!

2023 Reimagine Launch